The world to which I refer, of course, is the community of library
In doing so, I came upon this message thread from 2004 from the perl4lib mailing list. Now, it's not that much of a coincidence that it was initiated by Mark Jordan, a colleague and sometime collaborator whose job at SFU has some parallels with my job here at UVic. As everyone knows, Mark is highly active and visible in our community and his name turns up all over the place.
For the same reason, it's also not that much of a coincidence that Mark is one of the collaborators on the very project for which I needed to know about the 008 field, a rescue mission for roughly 111,000 Canadian Government Documents perceived to be, possibly, at risk. Mark did much of the legwork required to get documents in question into the Internet Archive; my role is to convert their accompanying XML metadata into the venerable MARC format for import into our library catalogues so we know they're there.
But I digress. No, what really brought home the smallness of our little community was this post in the thread, where Jason Etheridge comments that he got a funny bounceback message from someone identified as 'jdurno,ECOMOLA' (The name was not found at the remote site. Check that the name has been entered correctly.) He thought it might have been a spammer.
So I'd like to clear that up: what happened was that in 2004 the BC Electronic Library Network, where I was working at the time, relocated from the Open Learning Agency to SFU Library, so the OLA mailservers (ECOMOLA) no longer knew who I was. My (somewhat belated) apologies to the perl4lib maintainer Ed Summers and the rest of the gang for not updating my subscription info ;)