John Durno



Exhibitions & Events

A modern Telidon display showing swirly red, magent, yellow and blue graphic, with a keypad sitting next to it
Modern Telidon display
featured in "Remember Tomorrow"

Hypertext and Art: A Retrospective of Forms. Curated by Dene Grigar, PhD. University of Victoria Libraries, June 10-14 2024. It was an honour to sponsor, host and participate in the North American premiere of this major retrospective, held in conjunction with DHSI 2024. The UVic Libraries Historic Computing Lab provided some of the equipment used in the show, and prepared a display of four videotex (ie, pre-hypertext) works by the artist Nell Tenhaaf included in this iteration of the exhibition.

Remember Tomorrow: A Telidon Story. Curated by Shauna Jean Doherty. InterAccess, Toronto. September 6 - October 21, 2023. In the absence of functioning Telidon equipment from the 1980s, I assembled 4 interactive Telidon Art displays of my own design for this exhibition of Telidon Art commemorating the 40th anniversary of the InterAccess media art centre in Toronto (formerly Toronto Community Videotex). I also restored all the artworks that ran on the displays, starting from files recovered from floppy disks the InterAccess archives, the University of Victoria Archives, and the personal collections of some of the artists involved. A web exhibition to accompany the gallery show has been delayed but will hopefully debut sometime in the fall of 2024.

Historic Computing Lab Open House, DHSI 2023. A very well attended open house and tour of the Libraries Historic Computing Lab, featuring our new NABU computer system.

Retro Computing in the Library
Ideafest 2016 exhibition graphic

Traversal of Notes Toward Absolute Zero. On March 1, 2019 the UVic Historic Computing Lab coordinated a traversal of Tim McLaughlin's 1995 hypertext novel, conducted by the great scholar, historian, author and preserver of hypertext literature, Dr. Dene Grigar. The traversal was conducted before a live audience in the UVic Libraries' Digital Scholarship Commons as part of Endangered Data Week.

The Averted Eye Sees: The Life and Work of Glenn Howarth. Restorations of Glenn Howarth's computer graphic art,part I and part II, Legacy Maltwood Galleries, July 2016 - January 2017. Probably the first time Telidon art was exhibited in Western Canada since the end of the 1980s.

Retro Computing in the Library. Exhibition of historic computing hardware and emulated environments for Ideafest, University of Victoria, March 10 2016. The historical computing collection was also featured at Ideafest 2019 & 2020.


Workshops & Classes Given

Minetest adder
A Minetest adding machine built with logic gates

Historic Computing: Emulating 1980s Computer Graphics. Workshop developed for MDIA 200 (J. Sayers). Given Friday Oct 4, 2024.

Minetest as Virtual Maker Space. Half-day workshop given online at Access 2020, Oct 21, 2020.

Retro Machines & Media. 5 day workshop developed & taught in collaboration with Dr. Dene Grigar, WSU. Given at the 2019 Digital Humanities Summer Institute, June 3-7, 2019. A condensed version was presented via Zoom at DHSI 2021, June 7-11, and again at DHSI 2022.

An Introduction to the Archaeology of 1980s Computing. Full day workshop given at the 2018 Digital Humanities Summer Institute. University of Victoria, June 10 2018.

Using Emulation to Study Historic Interactive Narrative Guest lecture for WRIT 324: Writing Interactive Narrative (D. Leach) Given Jan 17, 2017, University of Victoria

Introduction to Digital Archaeology Guest lecture for DHUM 150: Introduction to Digital Humanities (M. Huculak) Given Oct 20, 2016, University of Victoria

Introduction to data manipulation using perl. Two-day workshop developed and taught in collaboration with Mark Jordan, SFU.
Given at the following venues:

Introduction to PHP scripting. Two-day workshop developed and taught in collaboration with Mark Jordan, SFU.
Given at the following venues:


Grants & Awards

ICRPG - SSHRC Institutional Grant [2019]. Telidon data recovery.

CARL Research in Librarianship Grant [2012]. Digital forensics project.


Conference Work

Access 2003 Logo
The logo I designed for Access 2003.

Ninth Annual Code4Lib BC Unconference, May 2024, Vancouver (organizing committee)

Set up and administered a Minetest server as a hangout and workshop space for Access 2020, October 19-23, 2020

code{4}lib YVR, November 2013, Vancouver (organizing committee)

Program chair, Access 2007, Victoria

Hackfest (preconference), Access 2007, Victoria (organizer)

The Transition to eJournals: Academic Library Perspectives, BC Library Conference, 2005 (convenor)

Hackfest (preconference), Access 2004, Halifax (co-organizer)

Program co-chair, Access 2003, Vancouver

Hackfest (preconference), Access 2003, Vancouver (co-organizer)

Koha, Open Source ILS, BC Library Conference, 2003 (convenor)

XML, BC Library Conference, 1999 (convenor)


Professional Service

Member, Canadian Government Information PLN Technical Working Group, 2013-2019

Organizer, COPPUL Digital Preservation Capacity Planning Workshop, May 30 2014

Technical Representative, Negotiations Resource Team, Canadian Research Knowledge Network, 2006-2012

Chair, COPPUL Systems Group, 2007-2008

Webmaster, Consortia Canada, 2004-2005

Webmaster, BC Library Association, 1998/99


Last modified: December 09 2024 15:04:00.